
About this Blog

This is the place where I share projects and findings that might be useful for someone. Most of the content was already published in other places - in English and/or Portuguese - but this is a “safe” place to have them backed up. I’ll let you know when and where they were already published.

All the opinions are personal and have no relation to my company.

About Me

Hi! I’m Tiago, a Brazilian/Portuguese software engineer. I’ve been developing embedded systems - from the concept to the final product - professionally for more than 10 years. Currently, I’m living in Campinas - Brazil and I work remotely for Espressif Systems. I’m also part of Apache NuttX’s Project Management Committee (PMC).


I’ve been a maker/DIYer since I first knew what those words mean. I used to tear down RC cars to check the gearing when I was a child. Also, I loved to listen to music: which led me to my first big project. Building my own loudspeakers and audio amplifiers introduced me to electronics and, somehow, gave me important lessons about project management!

Electrical Engineering was an obvious choice. Embedded systems were the theme for my master’s.

I still love to listen to music. Also, I’m interested on home automation and lighting. I love to talk about these topics and share the experiences that pleased me. I’m a member of the Laboratório Hacker de Campinas, a hackerspace in the city of Campinas (Brazil). Ah, and yes, I really like vinyl records!

Professional Experience

And what about your professional experience?

Well, my LinkedIn account is the most updated source for professional information. There you can take a look at my qualifications, achievements, previous jobs and experiences and, finally, you can take a look at what I’ve been doing lately. You can find me at linkedin.com/in/tmedicci/ (or click on the icon available on every blog’s page :wink:)


To make it easier to check about my resume, I’ve provided the following auto-generated PDF here.